There are many different opinions about the direct marketing industry. And erroneously very often pyramid schemes and direct marketing systems are lumped together. But what is the difference? Jerome Hoerth, General Manager of QN Europe, explains the differences in a video interview with journalist Tobias Schmidt and explains the values and principles that underpin the distribution structure of QN Europe. Of course, he also takes an open and transparent position on allegations that are occasionally raised in the media against QN Europe. His message: QN Europe operates its business according to clear rules – and does not allow violations of its Code of Conduct.
But what is a Code of Conduct anyway? And why is this code of conduct in direct marketing so important? Jerome Hoerth and Trevor Kuna, Chief Executive Officer QNET, answer these questions in another video interview on ethics in direct sales. This is also about the important role of executives – and how the quality of the business at QNET and QN Europe is specifically guaranteed. Watch!