RYTHM Foundation

Working together for sustainable change

QN Europe & RYTHM Foundation

Our founders have always been committed to working towards a goal that goes far beyond financial success. We believe that money is only a by-product of people working together to make a lasting difference in the world. These ideals have become the lifeblood of the RYTHM Foundation(Raise Yourself To Help Mankind), the social impact initiative of the QI Group – the parent company of QN Europe.

The RYTHM Foundation invests in communities through strategic partnerships, employee volunteering and community service. The Foundation is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are the blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all.


QNET and QN Europe share the RYTHM philosophy:



RYTHM is part of the QNET DNA

QNET works closely with the RYTHM Foundation on a range of projects in developing countries around the world to make a tangible difference in local communities.

QNET’s philosophy is not just to write a check, but to get involved and work together with your own hands towards sustainable change.

QNET employees donate at least 16 hours to volunteer activities in their local community. These volunteer initiatives range from beach clean-ups and tree planting to serving food to the homeless, helping to clean and paint homes for the elderly and working with children, especially those with special needs.

Further information can be found on the official website of the RYTHM Foundation.

QNET employees teach English to disadvantaged children in Hong Kong

The QNET team in Turkey donates books for disadvantaged children

QNET employees help to feed the poor and elderly in soup kitchens in Vietnam

The QNET team in Hong Kong is helping to keep our oceans clean by removing garbage from local beaches 1234

Our core values


We believe that education is the catalyst for social change. Every child must have equal access and opportunity to knowledge and learning in order to develop their potential.


We are convinced that a progressive society is one in which women and men have equal opportunities at all levels.


We pay attention to the economic, environmental and social needs of the present without overlooking the needs of future generations by supporting people, profits and the planet in equal measure.


Truth about everything. Truth in everything. Integrity in thought, word and deed.


We serve in order to go forward and go forward in order to serve. Service to all is our credo.


Lead to inspire and inspire to lead. We foster and hone entrepreneurial passion as a path to independence, inclusion and innovation.