The ten most interesting facts about direct sales have been compiled by Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland (BDD) in a survey of its members at the beginning of 2017. The information relates to the year 2016. We have put together five facts worth reading for you.

1. Every three seconds, a product is bought by direct sales
In 2016, almost 11.2 million product orders were received by the member companies of the BDD. This means that a product is purchased in direct sales approximately every three seconds.

2. Only every 100th product is revoked in direct sales
Every Customer who buys direct sales generally has a legal right of withdrawal. Just under one percent of orders were canceled in 2016. That’s just every 100th order. For comparison: In 2012 the withdrawal rate in online trading was at ten percent according to a survey by Trusted Shops. The revocations of online trade are ten times higher than in the direct sales industry. This is the great advantage of buying in direct sales: the customer knows the product, he has already tested it and has received comprehensive advice on its functioning.

3. A direct sales activity offers great flexibility
Most direct selling companies work with independent sales partners and they can decide for themselves when and how much they want to work. This is named as one of the key reasons by many women and men working in this field for their entry into direct sales – as well as affinity for the product. Direct selling companies make it very easy to get involved in self-employment through a variety of support measures and free training.

4. 96 percent of the distribution partners work part-time
Most sales partners work part-time. This can be a classic addition to another job, or the sole merit of being unable to work full-time for private reasons.

5. 72 percent of distribution partners in direct sales are women.
Thus, the proportion of women among the direct sales companies organized in the BDD is significantly higher than in other sectors (average 41 percent). Not least, direct sales offers career opportunities for women through its flexible working hours. From 8,000 executives in direct sales, 83.5 percent are female. According to a survey by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), a flexible working-time model is even the most important criterion for female executives when choosing an employer.

The full results can be found at: