We face a multitude of new tasks every day in our stressful world. We rush from one appointment to the next. But no matter how hard we try, time just seems to slip through our fingers. What should we do so we can use our day as efficiently as possible? The answer is Time Management. QN Europe gives you 5 time-management tips here so you can tackle your days stress-free and relaxed.
1. Always write down spontaneous ideas
Write down your spontaneous ideas immediately. If you don’t, they will just keep wandering around in your mind while you try not to forget them. That creates unconscious stress and unnecessarily disturbs your work. It’s also important that you don’t just indiscriminately scribble down ideas. Collect them in a central place instead so you can find them later.
2. Prioritise tasks and set goals
Working and making decisions go hand in hand. If you want to work in a structured way, you have to decide which tasks are important and urgent and which aren’t – you have to prioritise. But remember that important doesn’t always mean urgent! Distinguish between tasks that need to be done within a short time (“urgent”) and tasks that are crucial to the future of the company (“important”).
3. Work in blocks
Writing emails, making calls, planning or simple routine work – your daily work is interspersed with a lot of different activities. That makes it all the more important that you handle these different tasks in blocks! If you set aside different defined blocks each day (e.g. one hour for making calls, one hour for doing emails), your work will be more structured, and you won’t have to interrupt other activities later and then try to get back into the flow. You can also define the blocks according to your personal performance curve: Use the time of the day when your personal performance is highest for the most demanding work.
4. Learn to say “No”
Saying “No” works wonders! More tasks mean more stress, which rarely has a positive effect on the quality of your work. Saying “No” gives you more time for your own tasks. But it’s important that you have a reason for it and you say it politely. People won’t be very sympathetic if you just say: “I don’t feel like it”.
5. Treat yourself to rest
It sounds strange at first, but it’s an important aspect of an effective workday. People who find a balance between phases of rest and phases of effective work are able to remain productive for a longer period of time and remain physically and mentally healthy. Burnouts are a real danger that you have to take seriously.
You’ll soon get control of your time with these five tips on time management. Drop us a line if you have any suggestions about time and self-management: eu.support@qneurope.com