The ultimate guide: When should you drink coffee?

Coffee: A pace setter for body and mind


In a world characterized by a hectic pace and constant accessibility, coffee acts as a kind of compass that guides us through the day and influences both our body and our mind. The science behind this drink is fascinating and shows that consciously consuming coffee at different times of the day and on different occasions can boost our performance and well-being.

Morning coffee: a wake-up call for the brain

Coffee, especially due to its caffeine content, can help you to be more alert and fit in the early morning. This happens through several physiological mechanisms:

Blockade of adenosine: Caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that rises in the brain during the day and causes drowsiness. By preventing the effect of adenosine, caffeine increases alertness and reduces the feeling of tiredness.

Stimulation of the central nervous system: Caffeine acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system. It increases the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline, which leads to increased alertness, concentration and a general feeling of energy.

Improvement of cognitive functions: Caffeine can improve cognitive performance, particularly in terms of attention, reaction time and alertness. This is particularly useful in the morning, when the transition from sleep to full wakefulness takes place.

Increasing dopamine levels: Caffeine can stimulate dopamine production in the brain, which can lead to an improved mood and an increased feeling of motivation. This can help to overcome the “morning blues” and start the day with a more positive attitude.

Increase in energy metabolism: Caffeine can slightly stimulate the metabolism, which leads to increased energy consumption and a more alert feeling.

Coffee as a performance booster before sport

Coffee, especially due to its caffeine content, can help to improve performance during sport in various ways. Here are some of the most important aspects of how coffee can improve athletic performance:

Increase endurance performance: Caffeine can increase endurance by promoting the use of fat as an energy source. This saves glycogen, the muscles’ main source of energy, which is used during prolonged physical activity. By using fat reserves more efficiently, caffeine can delay fatigue and thus improve endurance performance.

Increasing strength and muscle contraction: Some studies suggest that caffeine can increase muscle contractions and increase overall strength performance. This can be particularly helpful for short-term, high-intensity activities such as sprinting or weightlifting.

Improving concentration and mental focus: Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, leading to increased alertness, better concentration and an overall improvement in mental function. This can be particularly useful in sports that require a high level of concentration and strategic thinking.

Reduction of perceived exertion: Caffeine can reduce the perception of exertion during exercise. This means that athletes may be able to train harder and longer as they feel that the effort is less intense.

Improving reaction time: Caffeine can also improve reaction time, which is crucial in many sports, especially ball sports.

Reduction of muscle fatigue: Caffeine can delay muscle fatigue and thus improve performance during prolonged or repeated physical exertion.

Thermogenic effect: Caffeine has a thermogenic effect, i.e. it increases heat production in the body, which can lead to increased calorie consumption.

7 Life Hacks

Afternoon coffee: against the low and for concentration

Coffee is known to help overcome the notorious afternoon slump, which is often accompanied by tiredness and reduced concentration. Here are the main reasons why coffee is effective in this regard:

Caffeine as a stimulant: Caffeine, the main active ingredient in coffee, is a powerful stimulant. It works by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that naturally increases during the day and promotes fatigue. When caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors, it reduces the feeling of tiredness and at the same time increases alertness and attention.

Enhancement of cognitive functions: Studies have shown that caffeine can improve cognitive performance, especially in tasks that require attention, concentration and problem solving. This is particularly useful in the post-lunch phase, when many people experience a natural decrease in mental alertness.

Increase in dopamine production: Caffeine also increases dopamine production in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, alertness and mood. An increase in dopamine levels can help to improve mood and increase feelings of motivation and mental focus.

Reduction in blood flow to the brain: Caffeine constricts the blood vessels, which leads to a slight reduction in blood flow to the brain. Paradoxically, this effect may contribute to alertness, as a slight reduction in cerebral blood flow has been associated with increased alertness.

Fast effect: Caffeine is quickly absorbed by the body, with noticeable effects often occurring within 15 to 30 minutes of consumption. This makes coffee a quick solution to the afternoon slump.

Coffee and digestion

Coffee can have positive effects on digestion in various ways. Here are some of the benefits that scientific studies and observations have highlighted:

Stimulation of stomach acid production: Coffee, especially when drunk strong and black, can stimulate the production of stomach acid. This increased acid production can improve digestive efficiency by helping to break down certain foods and speed up digestive processes. This can be particularly useful for larger meals or foods that are more difficult to digest.

Stimulation of intestinal motility: Caffeine, a main component of coffee, acts as a natural stimulant for the digestive system. It increases intestinal motility, i.e. the movements of the digestive tract that move the chyme through the intestine. As a result, coffee can stimulate bowel activity in some people and help to relieve constipation.

Gallbladder stimulation: Some studies have shown that coffee can stimulate the contraction of the gallbladder and increase the secretion of bile. Bile plays an important role in fat digestion, and this stimulating effect can improve digestive efficiency.

Antioxidants: Coffee contains a variety of antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid and other polyphenols. These antioxidants can have anti-inflammatory properties and help to protect the stomach lining. This could potentially reduce the risk of certain digestive disorders, such as gastric ulcers.

However, it is important to note that coffee is not beneficial for everyone when it comes to digestion. For some people, coffee can exacerbate heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux. It can also cause undesirable symptoms in people with a sensitivity to coffee or an existing digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome.

The effect of coffee on digestion can vary greatly depending on individual tolerance and the amount of coffee consumed. It is always advisable to pay attention to your body’s signals and consult a doctor or nutritionist if you have any concerns.

Evening coffee: enjoyment with care

Drinking coffee in the evening is not usually recommended, especially because of its caffeine content. Caffeine is a stimulant that has various effects on the body that can have a negative impact on sleep:

Disruption of the sleep cycle: Caffeine can prolong the time it takes to fall asleep, reduce the quality of sleep and reduce the duration of deep sleep. This is because caffeine acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that increases in the brain during the day and leads to tiredness and drowsiness. Caffeine blocks the effect of adenosine and keeps us awake.

Increased heart rate and alertness: Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which can lead to an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and increased alertness. These effects are particularly detrimental when you are trying to relax and fall asleep.

Altered sleep architecture: Caffeine can change the structure of sleep. It mainly influences REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, a sleep phase that is important for dreaming and for some aspects of memory consolidation.

Individual sensitivity: The effect of caffeine varies greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as age, caffeine habit and individual sensitivity. Some people can drink coffee in the evening and still sleep well, while others are strongly affected by even small amounts of caffeine.

The half-life of caffeine in the body is around 3 to 5 hours, which means that after this time half of the caffeine ingested has been broken down. However, in some cases it can take up to 8 hours or longer for caffeine to be completely removed from the system. It is therefore advisable to avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks in the hours before bedtime to ensure quality sleep.

Weight control

In our health-conscious society, the search for the perfect health elixir never seems to end. Among the many health supplements on the market, green coffee has become a popular choice for those looking to control their weight. With its unique combination of health benefits, green coffee, especially in products like Qafé, is changing the way we approach weight management.

Discover the Green Coffee Revolution QN Europe – Qafé


7 Life Hacks


Coffee is much more than just a morning pick-me-up. It is a versatile drink that, if used correctly, can boost our cognitive and physical performance and enrich our social life. A conscious approach to coffee that takes into account the different effects at different times of the day enables us to realize the full potency of coffee.

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