Excerpt from the interview with Amino Watermann, founder and owner of Masterminds.cc (founded in 1990), management consultant and advisor for mental development, author, speaker and entrepreneur.
What does Network 2.0 mean?
To explain this, we should first face a fact. Before I came into close contact with the network marketing industry, I thought this was my personal perception. However, experience over the last few years has shown that it is more of a fact. In 30 years as a management consultant and consultant for mental development, I have not come across any other industry that propagates the topic of success to the outside world to such an extreme as network marketing. By this I mean how the industry presents itself to the outside world, for example to attract newcomers, e.g. through social media. However, I don’t know of any other industry where, if you look behind the scenes, you discover such a contradictory truth.
The fact is, if 100 people walk into a room to start out as networkers, maybe 5 of them will actually end up being successful. By successful, I mean that someone not only earns something extra or is able to make a living, but can also afford all the good things in life. Just as it is effectively communicated in the industry. The problem of the low success rate is also well known in the industry, but it is often concealed. To counteract this, however, some companies are trying to improve this rate by offering their representatives training programs.
“Everyone receives the same training, but only a few are really successful.”
As an outsider, however, you have to ask yourself on closer inspection why so few are successful if everyone receives the same training? Everyone receives the same information, but only a few can turn it into success. If you raise this issue with the management of a network marketing company, you are often told that the reason for the low success rate is that people are lazy or uneducated, or that they don’t really put in the effort, etc. Moreover, this problem is something that only occurs in other companies .
Be that as it may, in practice all this means that too few teams and downlines are built up (low acquisition rate) and that, as a result, the number of dropouts is absurdly high. A fact that any industry expert will immediately confirm.
“You have to solve a problem at its source and not fight its symptoms.”
We believe that the causes of this problem are to be found elsewhere, and the results of recent years confirm this. Experience has shown that if you put the right tools in people’s hands, they are capable of amazing achievements and successes. Mind you, this also applies to people who have neither a school-leaving certificate nor any training and have no previous knowledge of sales (networking).
Network Marketing 2.0 means taking a completely new approach to training and supporting people, among other things. This not only leads to higher success rates, but also gives representatives a new form of onboarding, which in turn boosts acquisition rates and therefore team building.
What are the right remedies?
Our centuries-old education system, our society and unfortunately also many methods of modern personal development usually explain to us what we should think, but not how thinking itself works and what consequences it leads to. Not to mention that there are consequences!
Everyone reading this text should ask themselves the following questions:
“Do I really know exactly how my thought process works and what the consequences of my thoughts are?”
“Am I able to program my own beliefs?”
“Do I know how my perception works and how my thoughts control it?”
“Do I know how my thoughts directly influence my well-being and the cells in my body?”
These are just a few examples. The key is this: if you can’t answer one of these questions, it means you’re using something that you don’t know 100% how it works:
The mind.
Albert Einstein criticized this problem many years ago in one of his quotes:
“People only use 10% of their intellectual capacity”.
If I only use 10% of the mind’s power, this results in 3 conclusions:
- I’m not sure how my mind works.
- I am not aware of the consequences of my thinking.
- I have 90% untapped potential.
This is where our program comes in. Based on a specially developed, globally unique training system, we show you step by step how to turn 10% brainpower into 100% in a logical, comprehensible and immediately implementable way.
Unfortunately, the scope given here is not sufficient to describe what happens to people. The results are overwhelming and by no means only concern professional success, but all areas of life. The testimonials clearly show that the successes experienced are not motivational flashes in the pan, but profound changes that have a lasting positive impact on people’s lives.
What does the training involve?
First things first: our training system is 100% free of common coaching methods such as motivation, positive thinking, goal setting, visualization, rhetoric, psychology, NLP, technical jargon or complex thought models etc. as well as any content such as laws of attraction, quantum physics or other new-age methods. We do not use techniques from the fields of meditation or hypnosis, nor do we use concepts from religion or esotericism. We also do not convey opinions, theses or theories.
Our system is based solely on logic and common sense and is underpinned by scientific facts and the laws of nature.
When put into practice, our training leads to the (re)activation of the innate, natural thinking system, which dramatically increases mental performance. As a result, hidden or dormant abilities are automatically (re-)activated. This includes the ability to consciously program our thinking and beliefs, which control over 90% of our subconscious thinking and perception. This in turn leads to the ability to consciously and purposefully control our own perception and well-being.
All of this leads to a completely new perception of the self, the environment and one’s own possibilities. The consequences are quite pragmatic: you think thoughts that you have not thought before. This leads to actions that you have not taken before, and this in turn leads to results that you have not achieved before. The key here is to learn how to consciously control this complex system of thinking – perceiving – acting.
The fact that this change has noticeable consequences can be experienced quickly and clearly in your own perception: you actually perceive things, situations, opportunities and people differently. This inevitably leads to new actions and decisions.
What does a new form of onboarding mean?
Here we have to face another fact, even if it is certainly not universally valid: the areas of approach and acquisition are, to put it mildly, problematic. A study carried out in 2017 revealed that the majority of potential customers or representatives are not only annoyed by the usual approach methods, but also instinctively feel mistrust. What some companies forget is that they are not the only ones trying to sell products or acquire partners.
Nobody wants to hear or see bait-and-switch statements such as “I’ll show you a great way to earn money” or “I’ve come across a great product that you should definitely take a look at” etc., or supposedly ingenious rhetorical contact methods. If you are active on social media, you are literally bombarded with such statements.
Apart from that, such approaches reveal themselves to be less efficient if you are aware of a few principles of subconscious perception. To name just two examples: firstly, the person being approached instinctively suspects that it’s about selling, which can quickly drive them {un(sub)consciously} into a defensive stance. Everyone knows the feeling of being approached by someone who wants to sell you something.
On the other hand, representatives acting {un(ter)consciously} under pressure often have to pretend to be something in order to present their sales pitch . This in turn makes them {un(ter)consciously} tense up. They want to sell something and this creates {un(ter)conscious} pressure. This example is also easy to understand, because very few people feel comfortable when they have to sell something to someone. As I said, these are just 2 examples from a very long list.
In order to achieve sustainable success for everyone involved, we have abandoned the strategy of selling and acquiring and turned to the strategy of leading by example. This means that people who enter the networking profession first experience genuine and sustainable success themselves in order to then set an example for others.
Three factors are of decisive importance here:
- The products on offer must noticeably improve people’s quality of life.
- Representatives must receive training that provides them with all the skills they need to achieve sustainable success.
- Representatives (and customers) need intensive support along the way.
In practice, this strategy has a convincing effect: representatives are successful and this leads to a noticeable change in their life and lifestyle. Others notice this (positive) change and want the same for themselves. This means that the need to sell and acquire is almost completely eliminated, because people actually approach you and ask what you do and what has led to this change.
People love idols and role models who they can emulate, who they can look up to and who inspire them. One of the guarantees of success is to be such a role model for other people and to inspire them: to show them that they can do it too, and to show them how they can do it.
The philosophy and intention of the Network Marketing 2.0 program is to show people how they can actually lead a fulfilled and self-determined life. This is not about publishing an advertising slogan, but about building long-term relationships based on trust and commitment.
Success is often based on a system or systematic approach. With our program, we have created a tried-and-tested and duplicable system that offers all people, regardless of origin, social background, educational status or age, the opportunity to experience amazing change.
Nevertheless, it should be noted in conclusion that a successful, self-determined life without a certain level of commitment usually remains just a dream. However, for those who want change and are willing to learn and develop, the dream can become reality in a short space of time.
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