The secret of success
If you look around the network industry, you won’t find them very often: top executives under the age of 25, especially female executives. QN Europe is also an interesting exception in this context. And not only, but especially in Italy, a country that these days rigorously bans any of its citizens from outside contacts. These are bad conditions for a business that thrives on trusting contacts that need to be cultivated on a daily basis.
Two QN Europe executives, Rawan Fousfos and Ines Fatnassi, describe their impressive career stories. With details that make you sit up and take notice. Ines is 23 years old. Born in Imperia, Italy, with Tunisian roots. She started her career at QN Europe at the age of 19. And when you hear her talk about QN Europe, you immediately sense the respect and commitment she feels for her partner company. Ines emphasizes the word, “commitment.” In her life, it is far more than a learned word for commitment, but virtually her philosophy of success.
She came to QN Europe through her close friend Rawan. The two women met at the end of 2015. Quickly developed a close friendship between the two, although they live only 30 kilometers apart, it went through the social networks. One day, shortly after Ines had her high school diploma in the bag, Rawan contacted her, told her about a big deal, and the two met at a bar. Ines remembers that she immediately sensed on the phone that her friend Rawan actually had something very important to tell her. What Rawan then told her was so forceful that she immediately felt “that it was taking my life in the only right direction.” She said she “felt that everything about it was honest and right.”
This was a surprising experience for Ines, because she was in an orientation phase at the time, on her way to university. Still, it was immediately clear to her “this is what I really want to do.”
She was ready to go after just three days, three days in which her friend Rawan stood by her side uninterruptedlywhen her initial courage to plunge into this task without hesitation sometimes sank.
However, she was deeply convinced of her friend Rawan and trusted her. Rawan, for her part, described to Ines during those days, in clear fascinating words, her vision with which Ines could also immediately identify: to influence people’s lives for the better, without ifs and buts.
She quickly started with trainings and shortly after convinced her brother to follow this career path in network marketing with her. Nevertheless, every now and then the thought flashed that the last necessary spark of conviction was not yet in the heart and brain.
QN Europe had not yet been a top priority in her life, so it took two years for the realization to sink in of what so desperately deserves her attention in life. And so she went through an evolution: first the change of priority, then the change of personality.
That was in 2018, when Rawan took her to a seminar in Lebanon and, in quick succession, in Turkey. She said she felt deeply during those days that she needed crystal-clear priorities, that her business had to come first, and that to be successful in it, she had to work hard on herself every day.
It was at that leadership seminar in Turkey that the penny “dropped” for the young Italian. She saw and felt that “if I don’t change myself, I won’t become a leader.” And that this path goes through personal change, through health of body and mind.
She passed the acceptance meeting, in QN Europe circles a special procedure in which top executives interview newcomers and decide whether they fit the team, the way of working and the shared values and ethics.

Even during this groundbreaking experience in Turkey for Ines, she began to take her partners, who until then had been sparse, along for the ride. She, who just two or three years before could not imagine traveling alone, standing alone in front of people in a seminar, bringing people into business alone who were at least twice her age, suddenly outgrew herself tremendously.
From a reserved girl just in her twenties, she developed into a young woman who knew exactly what she wanted, what she had to do for her visions and how to deal with her people so that everyone could develop their visions and formulate their goals for themselves and ahead of her. “Because,” Ines and Rawan say in unison, “money is just a side benefit when you know what really matters.”
Ines: “What I found in the people around Rawan was a group that treated me with respect, honesty and mindfulness, and also consistently treated each other that way. On whom I could and can rely at any time. People who shared their vision with me and with whom I was allowed to develop mine.” And whom she could also help to lead a better life, in the circle of a real community of values.
And now, in 2020, what has changed for Ines? She said she is grateful to have truly become a better person. A person who has responsibility and carries it. The fact that Ines, according to her friend Rawan, was a reserved person just months before is actually hard to believe. Because whoever meets Ines is confronted with a tough, courageous young woman who is also stubborn in the best sense of the word and who resolutely goes her own way. She even manages to understand the people she meets as a whole, and feels in the first moment where support is needed.
And so, in less than a year and a half, Ines has already built up a group of friends who crisscross the globe to put her business on strong and self-sufficient feet.
Rawan is Italian with Syrian roots, now 24 years old. A young lady who laughs so infectiously and talks about her business with sparkling eyes that no one would want to or even could resist this charm offensive and persuasive artist. Rawan has known her closest and best friend Wiam, one of those who is poised to become the most successful QN Europe networker ever, for many years. The two were already close friends when Wiam Rawan had not even reported from QN Europe. She was fascinated by his power, his always positive energy, the way he lived his life and enjoyed it, his powerful relationships with all kinds of people.
After some time, Rawan realized that she wanted to share these qualities with Wiam – as many do before a network career, still a bit shy and reserved at first. Shortly after, she met Wiam in Turkey and decided to start, finding another important mentor on this trip, Dr. Abdulwahab, who showed her how to program herself for success, which is why a “mindset” and “mind-changing” are the first and most important steps for a career.
It helped that she never doubted her deep friendship with Wiam, his friendship and unconditional support in all matters of her life. And quickly, she says, a message also emerged for her that she’ll carry into the world from now on: “If you really want something, do it, no matter what situation you’re in.”
Rawan followed the lead of her mentors from then on, mostly without thinking much about it, because it was clear to her that both of her mentors are people who know exactly what matters in this business. She started reading a lot of books, saying goodbye to some periods of “laziness,” as she says with an infectiously cheerful laugh. “I started to take responsibility for myself, I wanted to grow beyond myself and get control of my ego, which had sometimes steered me down one-way streets.”
“Spread love and strength” is their motto and has become their guiding principle since those early days of their career. And she now adds a bit more seriously, “There’s a reason you meet a certain person at a certain time!”. “You have to celebrate everything you want before it happens! – It’s the secret to success!”
And this is also the path she is walking with Ines and all her leaders, especially in this moment of tragedy in Italy and around the world. It wants to and will make its solutions and possibilities available to the greatest possible number of people.