Long meetings, tiredness spreads all around and then suddenly brainstorming is needed. An idea has to be developed from now on. Mostly the result is very poor. But there are some ways to wake up your own brain. Because the brain is allowed to play. In this series, we introduce some creative methods that make ideas bubble and promote innovation.
Part 1
The headstand method
Before you think that you really have to turn yourself upside down, forget it. This is about allowing imagination to your brain. The method is best done in a team, but on its own it is possible too. What is it all about? You are faced with a challenge and twist it exactly the opposite, that is, you turn the problem upside down. We want to find all the ideas that work, put our product in the positive light. In this method you do exactly the opposite. You think about what should happen to prevent your product from being bought. You’ll quickly realize how much fun it is to think about how something is not working and can go wrong. Without pressure, you become creative and develop ideas that are different than the previous ones. The quality of ideas improves.
How does it work?
In a first step you formulate your challenge. For example: How can I attract more customers? The question with the headstand method would be: What do we have to do to keep customers away? Everyone writes down their ideas for themselves. You’ll see, after a while, it’s really fun to name things that can really go wrong. Because, interestingly, we recognize mistakes much easier, we know what is not possible, as we find clear solutions.
Think crazy!
Each idea is written on a card and hung on a pin board.
• Never call the customer
• Let customer data fly around on paper somewhere in the office
• misspell the name in the cover letter
• Coffee stains on the cover letter
• behave impossibly in the customer conversation
• forget the name of the customer in conversation over and over again
• smell bad
At the end, the negative ideas are clustered. Now it’s about turning these negative ideas around to come up with interesting ideas for the success of the customer concept.
Let’s go and good luck!