Only three more days – then furniture packers will knock at the door of QN EUROPE. The „old“ office block on the Berliner Ring has become too small for our Germany headquarters months ago. So in summer the decision was made: It’s time to say goodbye. Now office staff and management can spread to around 300 newly renovated square meters in the Lilienthalstraße and ensure dynamic growth of our company (also Otto Lilienthal, the pioneer of the skies, seemed very appropriate to us as namesake for our new address).
Almost three months were spent searching for a new location – and finally, with the modern building at the corner of a cross roads, just the perfect plase for us was found:
– Plenty of space: Firstly, we have room for seven new offices and a stylish, glass-enclosed meeting room
– At the beginning of 2019, additional areas are expected to be added in the basement, where we will be able to store warehouses and logistics under our common roof.
– Representative: Instead of being a tenant among many, we will be the hosts at the new location of our branch. Accordingly, the office building will also receive a widely visible QN EUROPE branding – and in early 2019 a fresh exterior finish.
– Perfectly connected: We are well connected with the outside world and our sales partners not only via broadband internet and telephone; a restaurant and several sports facilities in the immediate vicinity provide a great infrastructure – and will certainly will motivate us more often than before to go and do workouts outside!
We are looking forward to the move and to grow ourt success in our new German office together with our partners. If you would like to visit us directly at the new location, you will find the QNEUROPE Sales & Marketing Limited branch office from Friday, November 9th, in Lilienthalstraße 30-32, 64625 Bensheim.